Infectious complications in the rheumatoid arthritis during one decade in the Rheumatology Center
rheumatoid arthritis, sepsis opportunists, infectious complications, germs opportunistsAbstract
Introduction: The rheumatoid arthritis is an affection that is characterized by an increased risk of presenting infectious complications. Several they are the mechanisms that impact in this process, but without a doubt some the same mechanism etiopatogénico of the illness and the derived complications of the use of medications for their control occupy a preponderant paper.
Objective: To describe the most frequent infectious complications in the rheumatoid arthritis in our means.
Methods: I study descriptive, longitudinal and retrospective in the Rheumatology Center of the Hospital Educational Clinical Surgical de10 of October in the period understood among January 2001 and December of the 2011. The sample was formed by 114 patients that fulfilled the approaches of the American Collage of Rheumatology for the diagnosis of rheumatoid arthritis and that they presented infectious complications.
Results: I prevail the feminine sex in 80.7 % of the studied patients, the group with more representation the one went from 45 to 54 years with 30 patients (26.3 %). The infections were more frequent in patient with bigger time of evolution of the illness. The infections dermatological prevailed, genitourinary and breathing and the most frequent microorganisms were the Cándida Albicans, Staphylococcus Aureus and Giardia Lambia.
Conclusions: The rheumatoid arthritis is an illness that associates frequent to infectious processes where they highlight the dermatologic, genitourinary and breathing.
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