Clinical and epidemiological characterization of patients with rheumatoid arthritis from Arnaldo Milián Castro. University Teaching Hospital
rheumatoid arthritis, chronic polyarthritis.Abstract
Rheumatoid arthritis is a chronic autoimmune and systemic disease of inflammatory type with an unknown cause. Its manifestations varies bringing about different degrees of discomfort and limitations. With the objective of characterizing all hospitalized patients clinically and epidemiologically at the Arnaldo Milian Castro University Hospital in 5 years, working descriptive research was conducted with a sample of 280 patients; this pathology was shown in 5 women out of 2 cities me. They were white and middle aged. Osteoarthritis and Diabetes Mellitus, were the most important personal medical history in the group of 60-79 years, the family history of rheumatic disease was nor significant. Fever, stiffness, deformity and rheumatoid nodule significantly predominated in seropositive patients and infection was the most frequent complication. Diagnose was below the 6 months. The most common treatment was the combination of non steroids and disease modifying drugs mainly in seropositive patients.Downloads
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