Gout as a cardiovascular risk factor
cardiovascular disease, rheumatic disease, gout, arterial hypertensionAbstract
Introduction: Gout is a chronic inflammatory disease that generally progresses with added hyperuricemia.
Objective: To identify the presence of cardiovascular involvement in patients with a confirmed diagnosis of gouty arthropathy.
Methodology: A basic, non-experimental, descriptive, retrospective and mixed-focus research was developed. The universe consisted of 69 patients treated in first-level health care units in the city of Riobamba during the period between January 2019 and January 2021. The sample was made up of a total of 60 patients. A review of the clinical history of the patients was carried out to obtain the necessary information.
Result: Average age of 53.02 years. 35.00% of them presented at least one associated comorbidity, where diabetes mellitus was the most represented (57.14%). with presence of comorbidities. 71.67% of the patients had normal blood uric acid values at the time of diagnosis and 18.33% had some type of kidney damage. 36.67% of the patients with gout also presented cardiovascular disease, where arterial hypertension (59.09% was the most frequently reported.
Conclusions: Gouty arthropathy is a disease that theoretically generates a high percentage of cardiovascular diseases within of which arterial hypertension and heart failure stand out.
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