Barriers and facilitators in primary health care for people with physical disabilities
accessibility to health services, access barriers, physical disability, quality health care, home consultations, access facilitatorsAbstract
Introduction: Disability is considered a health problem worldwide. People with physical disabilities are susceptible to different health problems. Despite being a prioritized group, access to health services is lower than that of the general population, conditioned by the presence of different types of barriers.
Objective: To describe the barriers and facilitators of access to primary health care in people with physical disabilities.
Methods: A bibliographic review was carried out whose methodology was based on the search, selection, review, interpretation and synthesis of the scientific evidence related to the research problem. It was used as a source of primary scientific literature published in the databases Scielo, Redalyc, Latindex and PudMed in the last 5 years, with the MeSH search terms in Spanish, English and Portuguese.
Results: A total of 67 documents were identified, of which 46 were used in the research carried out. The remaining 21 manuscripts were excluded due to methodological deficiencies that limited their use.
Conclusions: The access of people with physical disabilities to health services is conditioned by situations that are interpreted as barriers or facilitators. In this sense, the factors related to the national health system and the characteristics and environment of the person with a disability can act as a barrier or as a facilitator, depending on their expression.
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