Guide for the rehabilitation of the spondylitis ankylosing
spondyloarthropathies, spondylitis ankylosing, physical medicine and rehabilitationAbstract
The spondyloarthropathies of illnesses that have showed to have common characteristics clinical, pathogenic, radiological, of genetic predisposition, and a similar answer to the treatment, inside these, the spondylitis ankylosing, is the illness insignia of the group and also the most frequent and comports like an illness inflammatory chronicle of unknown and likely etiology pathogenic autoimmune, where the rehabilitation is especially effective in the physical function of these patients that has to follow determinate guidelines so that it fulfill his aim.
This article describes the treatment of cinesiterapia that realized of agreement to the program made to treat to the patient with spondylitis ankylosing in the Rheumatology Center, evaluated by the specialists in physical medicine and rehabilitation, of individual form for each patient applying it of agreement to the limitations and alterations of the functional capacity of the same, taking into account the types of exercises, intensity, time of length and his application controlled by a therapeutic program trained to the effects and applied to more than 300 patients with this entity nosology during more than 20 years.
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