Sweet syndrome. Case report and literature review
Sweet syndrome, diagnosis, treatment, evolutionAbstract
We present the case of a female patient 52 year old with arthralgias, a fever of 39 degrees, anorexia, conjunctivitis, and pruritic and painful, asymmetric, erythematous-vesicular-pustular lesions on hands, arms and back for 3 days. In the laboratory tests the leukocytes were in 14.6 x 10 9 /L with 70 % of neutrophils, erythrosedimentation in 117 mm / h, the skin biopsy showed nodular and diffuse dermatitis, Ackerman 7 pattern conclusive for a Sweet syndrome.
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Rattan R, Sharma A, Shanker V, Tegta GR, Verma GK. Transient autoimmune thyroiditis associated with Sweet's syndrome. Indian J Dermatol Venereol Leprol. [Internet] 2016 [citado 2017 Mar 6];82:112. Disponible en: http://www.ijdvl.com/text.asp?2016/82/1/112/162323
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