Art, painting and rheumatology through history: notes and reflective considerations of a Cuban rheumatologist
art and painting, rheumatology and history, tainos art in Cuba, rheumatic diseases, PANLARAbstract
The Art, Painting and Rheumatology through the history: Notes and reflective Considerations of a Cubans rheumatologist. We carry out an extensive review on some aspects that we consider relevant in “the world of art and its evolution ", developed by primitive man in prehistory, antiquity with the greatness of classicism in architecture, sculpture and painting, focused on its interrelation with the also "art of medicine", rheumatology and rheumatic diseases. We include information on the chronological periods of history in medieval Europe, pre-Hispanic in America, and aboriginal in Cuba, the Caribbean island represented by the art of the Taínos. We review socio-political aspects, and reflect on the capital importance of paleopathologists and rheumatologists studying these issues, which they evidenced in antiquity in Europe and in pre-Hispanic America in mummies and fossil remains, with the presence of diseases such as Pott's disease, osteomyelitis, and spondyloarthropathies. We review to, how the artists showed in their paintings and sculptures some rheumatic diseases such as gout, rheumatoid arthritis, juvenile rheumatoid arthritis, angular bone deformities among others. We highlight works by the great masters in which some rheumatic manifestations are expressed, such as the Birth of Venus, or the three Graces of geniuses such as Sandro Botticelli and Peter Paul Rubens. We review historical data on the emergence of rheumatology, their organization in regional leagues such as the Pan-American League (PANLAR), and the contribution of Cuban rheumatology, at the integration into international organizations of rheumatology and osteoporosis such as PANLAR, ACCAR, IOF, SIBOMM, and the realization of dozens of international events, publications of books, articles in magazines, the creation of the Cuban journal of rheumatology, the promotion of postgraduate teaching, obtaining prizes and scientific recognitions in international events among others. These, today allows us to sketch passages in the history of continental rheumatology and Cuba, through the vision of art since ancient times to contemporary.
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