Strategic projection for the development of research in a Faculty of Medical Sciences
teaching, research, graduate education, scientific publications, research projectsAbstract
Introduction: At Miguel Enriquez Faculty of Medical Sciences (FCM-ME) it is necessary to strengthen the research potential and scientific production of its professionals, in order to improve the quality of health services to their population.
Objective: Propose a strategic plan for the development of research in the FCM-ME.
Methods: A retrospective descriptive study was carried out in order to collect information regarding the activities and research results generated in the faculty during the 2017-2020 period.
Results: During the study period, a third of the professionals have a teaching category of full professor and/or assistant; and of the total, 2% are assistant and/or tenured researchers and only 3 % are PhD. Regarding scientific production, the index of national projects and publications per teacher has oscillated between 0.07-0.13; and that of international publications/teacher has been 0.03 during the last 3 years. These results have remained constant in past years, so it is proposed a strategic plan that allows the development of investigations in the FCM-ME.
Conclusions: A strategic plan is proposed for the development of research in the Miguel Enríquez Faculty of Medical Sciences.
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