Major preoperative fears in patients for elective surgery. Lessons to be learned in arthroscopic surgery patient management
Preoperative fears, elective surgery, arthroscopic surgery patient managementAbstract
Introduction: As part of the close partnership established today between patient safety from his or her perspective, with quality of health care, preoperative fears in arthroscopic surgery candidates are a current concern of a large group of health professionals which includes surgeons, anesthesiologists, rheumatologists and orthopedic surgeons.
Objective: To present the results of the identification and characterization of the main preoperative fears of elective surgery in patients with practical significance for patient management in arthroscopic surgery.
Methods: An exploratory, descriptive, cross sectional study was conducted. From a population of 750 patients, in July 2015, a sample of 250 subjects was extracted from a non-probability purposive sampling. The technique for data collection used was the survey, which application allowed determining the presence and the main preoperative fears.
Findings: 65.6 % of all patients reported feeling fear preoperatively. The most frequent manifestations of fear were the presence of pain, feeling of death occurred in 28.8%, 24.4 % and 18.8 % respectively. Affectation follows the logic of thought (18%), the feeling of impossibility of movement and fear of waking up during surgery; which occurred in 12% of patients and headache presented in 28 patients (11.2 %). These and other results allowed to identify a set of lessons to be learned in arthroscopic surgery patient management.
Conclusions: The study identified the main fears that reveal elective surgery patients in Quito’s "Eugenio Espejo" hospital, during the period studied, with direct impact on a few lessons to be learned for the management of patients in arthroscopic surgery.
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