Nutritional evaluation in older adults with a diagnosis of osteoarthritis and its relationship with pain intensity
pain, rheumatic disease, nutritional condition, osteoarthritisAbstract
Introduction: Osteoarthritis conceptualized as a chronic and degenerative disease that presents a peak incidence in people older than 60 years. Objective: To determine the nutritional status of older adult patients diagnosed with osteoarthritis and its relationship to pain intensity. Methods: A descriptive, cross-sectional study carried out in older adults with osteoarthritis. The universe consisted of 168 patients, of whom 156 were part of the study sample. Nutritional status will be determined for each patient using the body mass index. To visualize the intensity of pain, the visual analog pain scale used. Pearson's correlation coefficient used to identify the relationship between nutritional status and pain intensity. Result: Average age of 67.72 years with a predominance of female patients (60.13%) and knee involvement (34.80%). 34.18% of older adults were overweight and 18.35% were obese, while 43.04% had a normal nutritional status. There was a predominance of patients with moderate joint pain (60.13%). Conclusions: A considerable positive correlation identified between nutritional status and pain intensity in older adults diagnosed with osteoarthritis.Downloads
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