Permanent formation, professional separation and pedagogic professionalization. Three processes of character continuous and necessary social impact
pedagogical professionalization, professional improvement, permanent formation, theoretical baseAbstract
The purpose of this article is providing a space for reflecting on the processes of pedagogic professionalization, professional improvement and continuing education, emphasizing on the first one, as alternatives to integrate the initial and progressive formation of professors in Higher Medical Education. These processes require a deeper theoretic approach in order to enrich and transform its practice in pursuit of satisfying the needs that the knowledge society demands from the university of the XXI century. One of the challenges that should come face to face in this context is the training of professors. The theoretic positions studied evidence the relevance of professionalization, professional improvement and continuing education like organized, continuous processes, of necessary social impact, that pay tribute to perfecting the pedagogic behavior and to the link between the initial and continuing formation as corner stones of the process of professional and human improvement.Downloads
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