Phatogenycs´ mechanisms in the Systemic Sclerosis
Systemic sclerosis, microkimerismAbstract
In the systemic sclerosis the same as in rest of the illnesses that correspond to the group of the Conectivitis their pathogeny it is not very established; in her it intervenes many factors like they are the genetic association, inheritance, environmental factors and inflammatory answer, their relationship with endogenous infections behaving from a special way to other inflammatory rheumatic illnesses. He/she is carried out a bibliographical revision of the inflammatory process that is developed in the systemic sclerosis as important part in the pathogenyc of the illness, with the objective of to obtain bigger knowledge on the same one and to interpret in a better way the form in which the same one is developed to be able to use more effective therapeutic outlines in the treatment of the systemic sclerosis.Downloads
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