Renal function, inflammation and bone metabolism in rheumatoid arthritis before menopause
rheumatoid arthritis, bone metabolism, bone mineral densityAbstract
Introduction: rheumatoid arthritis depends on inflammatory factors such as receptor activator of nuclear factor κB Ligand /Osteoprotegerin, essential for bone metabolism and thus, has a great propensity for developing low bone mass.
Objectives: to evaluate the influence of renal function and inflammation in bone mass of rheumatoid arthritis patients positive before menopause.
Methods: 50 women, 26 with rheumatoid arthritis and 24 healthy control group completed the study.
Results: we investigated patients 24 to 49 years. The results demonstrate significant increases in leukocytes, rheumatoid factor, erythrocyte sedimentation, the pyruvic transaminase, and a tendency to increased gamma glutamyl transpeptidase in the rheumatoid arthritis group. Also differences were found with increased levels of sodium and chlorine in these groups compared to controls. A significant change from the urinary pH, more acid in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. There was found no difference with regard to abnormal elements, including for the presence of proteinuria between groups. Patients with rheumatoid arthritis has decreased clearance, but without significant difference compared to the control group.
Conclusion: the presence of inflammation is the main reason for developing low bone mass in patients with rheumatoid arthritis.
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