Postmenopausal osteoporosis. Itsvalidity as a current health problem
Postmenopausal osteoporosis, health problem, public healthAbstract
Introduction: osteoporosis has become a publichealth problem on a planetary scale. It is estimated that between 30 and 50% ofpostmenopausal women will be affected by this disease.
Objective: to analyze postmenopausal osteoporosis as acurrent health problem.
Development: although osteoporosis is characterized inboth sexes as a product of aging, it behaves more frequently and accentuates inthe female sex, thanks to the accelerated bone loss that takes place after theprocesses of the menopause and that obeys to the prolonged deprivation ofestrogens. So, one in two women in contrast to one in ten men will potentiallybe subject to a fracture throughout their life, essentially in recent years.Fractures of osteoporotic origin regularly occur in the vertebral bodies, theproximal femur and the distal radius.
Conclusions: fractures associated with osteoporosis areconsidered as a factor to consider, taking into account their incidence in themorbidity of the population on a planetary scale, which leads to a significantburden for health services. In particular, hip fractures produce high rates ofpain, impairment of function and hospital care, a factor that allows preventionto be established as a priority for patients, physicians and public health.
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