Scientific bases of intra-articular administration of opioid analgesics and its post-surgical efficacy
scientifically supported, intra-articular administration of opioid analgesics, post-surgical.Abstract
Introduction: The management of post-surgical pain is at the present time a challenge for anesthetists, surgeons and investigators of several specialties. The alternative routes of administration of opioids are an innovative field in post-surgical pain management.
Objective: To reflect on the scientific bases of intra-articular administration of opioid analgesics and its post-surgical efficacy.
Development: Although still it’s been far from identifying an ideal analgesic method, the rational handling of alternative routes of administration has evidenced superiority when it is compared with the traditional analgesic treatment. The intra-articular route has been incorporated recently in the control of the postoperative pain, especially in shoulder and the knee surgery.
Findings: The efficacy of the administration of opioids intra-articular for postoperative pain control has been demonstrated internationally, since its intra-articular application is scientifically proven to be produce significant analgesic effects in humans.Downloads
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