Juvenile primary Sjögren's Syndrome: Cohort study


  • Blanca Elena Rios Gomes Bica Departamento de Reumatología. Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho. Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Lina Maria Saldarriaga Rivera Departamento de Reumatología. Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho. Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Helena de Almeida Tupinamba Departamento de Reumatología. Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho. Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil
  • Mario Newton Leitão de Azevedo Departamento de Reumatología. Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho. Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil


Sjögren syndrome, autoimmune disease, salivary glands


Objective: To describe the demographic, clinical, and laboratory characteristics and management of patients with primary Sjögren syndrome.
Methods: Retrospective analysis of a cohort of 26 patients through review of medical records during the period February 2002 to December 2012.
Results: 26 patients diagnosed with juvenile SS were selected: 20 girls (76 %) and 6 children (23 %) with an average of 12 years. The clinical characteristics were mumps as the initial manifestation of the disease in 8 patients (30.7 %), and recurrent episode in 2 patients (7.6 %). 10 patients (38 %) had xerostomia and 16 (61 %) xerophthalmia. The Schirmer test was altered in 9 patients (34 %), Rose Bengal in 10 (38 %). 73 % of patients had altered scintigraphy. In 8 patients (30 %) the salivary gland biopsy revealed Sjögren syndrome. 8 patients (30 %) FR-positive, 10 patients (38 %) anti-Ro/SSA, 9 patients (34 %) anti-La/SSB,18 patients (69 %)  ANA. 50% received glucocorticoid. Hydroxychloroquine was the drug most often used in 25 patients (96 %), followed by methotrexate and folic acid in 12 patients (46 %), azathioprine 4 patients (15.3 %) and cyclophosphamide in 2 patients (7.6 %). Only one patient required the use of human immunoglobulin and one leflunomide (3.8 %). Two patients (7.6 %) received rituximab.
Conclusions: The present study demonstrated the demographic, clinical and therapeutic in a series of patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome youth, a relatively rare condition, presenting an overview of this population in our hospital.


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Author Biographies

Blanca Elena Rios Gomes Bica, Departamento de Reumatología. Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho. Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

MSc. PhD. Especialista en Reumatología Pediátrica

Lina Maria Saldarriaga Rivera, Departamento de Reumatología. Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho. Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Especialista en Medicina Interna y Reumatología

Helena de Almeida Tupinamba, Departamento de Reumatología. Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho. Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

Médico Rotante del Servicio de Reumatología

Mario Newton Leitão de Azevedo, Departamento de Reumatología. Hospital Universitario Clementino Fraga Filho. Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro, Brasil

MSc. PhD. Especialista en Reumatología


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How to Cite

Rios Gomes Bica BE, Saldarriaga Rivera LM, Tupinamba H de A, Leitão de Azevedo MN. Juvenile primary Sjögren’s Syndrome: Cohort study. Rev. cuba. de Reumatol. [Internet]. 2014 Dec. 29 [cited 2025 Feb. 6];17(1):40-7. Available from: https://revreumatologia.sld.cu/index.php/reumatologia/article/view/384



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