The microbiological diagnosis. Importance in surgical infections
nosocomial infection, surgical site, microbiologic diagnosis, microbial proliferation, surgical woundsAbstract
ntroduction: Total prevalence of surgical site infection is calculated to from 5 to 10% of surgical interventions.
Objective: To summarize the main elements defining the microbiological diagnosis and its importance in surgical infections, and analyze those factors that favor microbial proliferation in surgical wounds.
Development: At present, surgical site infection is the third most recurrent nosocomial infection and the most important among operated patients. The approach to this topic is fully justified if the diversity of surgical interventions currently performed is taken into account.
Conclusions: The microbiological diagnosis is fundamental both to define the infection phase and to identify the microorganism affecting the result of the surgical intervention, because it contributes to knowing the sensitivity to antibiotics and to select the treatment appropriately.
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