Pedagogical research in the field of medical sciences
pedagogic investigation, relationship education-culture, medical sciencesAbstract
Introduction: When systematizing the different definitions on the scientific investigation, common ideas can be identified that offer an understanding more guessed right on the same one and that you can summarize in considering it like an eminently human activity that lapses for stages what gives him process character that spreads to the achievement of an objective, directed to characterize deep and essentially a study object, with the purpose of solving a scientific problem, in any field of the knowledge and the social practice; and that it is developed on the base of certain laws, principles, categories and methodology. To tenor with the above-mentioned is our
Objective: To value the possibilities of the pedagogic investigation in the field of the Medical Sciences.
Methods: The dialectical one materialistic as universal method of the knowledge and those characteristic of the theoretical level: historical-logical, analytic - synthetic, inductive - deductive and the system focus.
Results: A methodological theoretical platform to sustain the application of future investigations of pedagogic court, in their relationships with the Medical Sciences.
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