Evolution of the index of activity in patients with systemic sclerosis treated with cyclophosphamide and prednisone



systemic sclerosis, therapeutic, index of activity


Introduction: The systemic sclerosis is an autoimmune disease of the connective tissue where the vasculopathy happens initially and persist during all the disease. The immune component starts since the inflammatory process triggers off but he diminishes until you dwell on the evolutionary course and it is substituted for fibrosis, this ends pathogenic acquires great significance in the process. The index of activity reveals a critical period of the disease.

Objective: Evaluating patients' clinical evolution of the index of activity with systemic sclerosis with the applied therapeutics.

Methods: The study was quasi-experiences (or secondary prevention). In order to determine if the therapeutic applied scheme decreases symptomatology of its systemic activity. You started in March of the 2013 to March of the 2016, with duration of 24 months. They were 31 patients that split into two groups according to the clinical stages obtained of Comprehensive Development Index. In the group to (clinical stages I and II) 16 patients and in the group B (clinical stages III and IV) 15 patients. The evolution evaluated according to variables of the instrument of evaluation the start, to the six and 12 months itself of once the therapeutic scheme was applied. The T utilized the proof itself, or exact Fisher's proof when moral values were all the same or minor to three, the statistical significance determined in p≥ 0.05 itself. The calculation of the stocking, percentage analysis, and Wilcoxon's proof to know the relation of variables through the time.

Results: The therapeutic applied scheme, previous validation, you improved the index of activity of the patients of both groups A and B that is in clinical premature and overdue stages. In the activity moderated for the group A statistical significance for system microvascular (0.023) and respiratory (0.025) to the six months, and to the 12 months’ skin (0.023) and microvascular (0.006). For the intense activity significant improvement to the six months for muscleskelettic (0.005) and rheumatoid positive factor (0.008), to the 12 months’ significant improvement for muscleskelettic (0.004); and examine of laboratory like erythrocyte sedimentation rate (0.008) circulating immune complexes (0.005), and rheumatoid factor (0.003). For the group B in the moderate activity significant improvement for respiratory system existed (0.014), and cardiovascular (0.020) that kept to the 12 months, added up its digestive system (0.008). Evident level improvement of skin (0.004), circulating immune complexes (0.008) and rheumatoid factor were caught up within the intense activity to the 12 months (0.014).

Conclusions: Improvement in the index of activity of patients with systemic sclerosis, with the therapeutic scheme applied, with clinical stability and humoral from initial stages of the disease was caught up with.



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Author Biographies

Susel Elisabet Remedios Batista, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín. Hospital clínico Quirúrgico Carlos Font Banes. Holguín.

Especialista en 1er Grado en Medicina General Integral y Reumatología.Categoria docente: Asistente.

Alfredo Antonio Hernández Martínez, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de La Habana. Centro de Investigaciones Médico Quirúrgicas CIMEQ. Servicio de Reumatología. La Habana

Dr.C Especialista de 1er Grado en Medicina Interna y 2do Grado en Reumatología Profesor e investigador titular. Jefe del Grupo Nacional de Reumatología.

Neuri Bairan Torno, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín. Hospital clínico Quirúrgico Carlos Font Banes. Holguín.

Especialista en primer grado en Medicina General Integral y Nefrología. Categoria docente: Asistente.

Miguel Ramón Cabrera Laguna, Universidad de Ciencias Médicas de Holguín. Hospital clínico Quirúrgico Carlos Font Banes. Holguín.

Licenciado en medicina transfucional


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How to Cite

Remedios Batista SE, Hernández Martínez AA, Bairan Torno N, Cabrera Laguna MR. Evolution of the index of activity in patients with systemic sclerosis treated with cyclophosphamide and prednisone. Rev. cuba. de Reumatol. [Internet]. 2020 Dec. 30 [cited 2025 Feb. 5];23(1):e178. Available from: https://revreumatologia.sld.cu/index.php/reumatologia/article/view/839



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