The Josep Lee Hollander In Memoriam Workshop, on Advanced Techniques in Rheumatology in the new millennium, led by Professor Antonio Reginato: The Cubans rheumatology tribute for Pan-American historiography
workshop, J. Lee, Hollander, Cuban rheumatology, arthroscopy, arthroscopic surgery, ultrasonography, capillaroscopyAbstract
We review a scientific event that has left a mark on the historiography of Pan American rheumatology and allowed Cuban rheumatology to achieve remarkable visibility and recognition in the American continent. The Joseph Lee Hollander in Memorian Workshop 2000 held in Philadelphia aimed at updating knowledge and advanced techniques in rheumatology in the new millennium, with a long list of renowned international rheumatologists in the staff of professors, several days prior to Philadelphia Congress of the American College of Rheumatology 2000. With this event in our judgment, he paid a well-deserved tribute to his teacher Hollander who was born in Ferguson Missouri and grew up in Philadelphia (1910 and 2000) and completed his studies in 1932-35 at Cornell University. The Workshop included a host of professionals from world rheumatology to discuss advanced techniques in rheumatology of the new millennium such as Ultrasonography and Doppler, with targeted biopsy, synovial, cartilage, and salivary gland biopsy techniques in the diagnosis of autoimmune exocrinopathies and bone biopsy at the iliac crest level for the diagnosis and treatment of chondromalacia and other osteometabolic disorders. The professor had the vision to include the techniques of diagnosis and treatment by arthroscopy in rheumatology and to invite professors Gil A. Reyes Llerena and Ángel Checa González Cuban rheumatologists / arthroscopists together with professor Robert W. Ike from the USA. This course covered from the history of arthroscopy, equipment and instruments, techniques and theoretical-practical bases in a modern laboratory with state-of-the-art equipment and joint models for actions surgical techniques. The endoscopic diagnosis of intra-articular lesions and rheumatic diseases was addressed through techniques such as joint washes, debridement, and synovectomies, among others. This Workshop marked a milestone in the field of Cubans, and Pan-American rheumatology.
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